After dropping Bret off, I pulled back out of his driveway to make my way back home and I started thinking, 'what would this community do without grandmas and grandpas who were there to intervene in their children and grandchildren's lives?' I know that may sound like a random and/or trivial thought, but in the last 6.5 years I have heard countless stories just like Bret's: parents who have given up on their children, parents who have disappeared, parents who have kicked their children out of the house, parents in jail, parents who are addicts, etc. In fact, in the last month alone, I have heard 3-4 scenarios similar to this one.
While I was blessed to have parents who were present and invested in my life, I am realizing that my experience is slowly becoming a rarity and a minority in many communities. If you have or have had parents who were present in your lives, please be thankful for them.
So as I write this, I want to give a shout out to grandparents who have:
-taken your own children back into the house as adults because of hardships they have fallen upon.
-taken in your grandchildren because their parents are either not present in their lives or because parents have given up on their children.
-sacrificed your own fiances, homes, vehicles, and resources to support your grandchildren when their parents have not done so.
-taken on the role of parents in their grandchildren's lives.
-chosen to keep working in order to financially support the children and grandchildren who have entered your home.
-Put up with loud music you would never listen to or watched tv shows you would never watch because you now have a 16 year old living in your house again.
-Stayed up late or set a key outside to make sure your grandchild gets in safely at night.
-And other examples like these...
I think the main reason I was compelled to write this is because I see something very Christlike in the behaviors I listed above. I am one who believes that Christ never gives up on any of his children and has a heart especially for those who have been dealt a less than favorable hand. Great job grandma and grandpa for welcoming, loving, and caring as Christ has called you to do.