I recently finished up a book by N.T. Wright who said, "My guess is that 80-85% of what i teach my students is 'true' and 'correct' and the other 15-20% is wrong... The problem is, I don't know what that 20% is."
That is how I feel sometimes. As I grow as a believer and follower of Christ, one of my greatest hopes is that I am able to talk about and understand the God I am striving to know and serve more and more each day. I believe it is very important to speak accurately about our faith. However, I am sure there are places where I have simply 'got it wrong...' The problem is I am not sure what those 'places' are. In fact, I could make a list of questions that I sometimes ask myself:
Have I become too liberal in regards too what it means to be a believer?
Should I be doing more to teach the students at my local church?
As I believer, should I take a greater concern in politics and government?
Has Protestantism strayed too far from its Roman Catholic and Orthodox history?
If Jesus were hear in the flesh, what would his words be to me?
And so on, and so on....
The obvious response is, "We need to see what scripture says and live according to God's Word." But the problem with that response is that there will always be different interpretations and understandings of God's Word... Hence 10,000 Christian denominations (which is a pretty sad statistic, might i say) Different people who share a great love for Jesus will always walk away with different conclusions. I guess our job is to continue to seek the Spirit's leading and guiding in our lives and resist the temptation to settle for easy answers.
One thing I do know? We need to be ready to admit that we don't have all the answers, and we need to stand firm and be unwavering in the essentials. What are those essentials? Just add that question to the list above.