My first exposure to Bell was through his 'NOOMA' series and might i just say that I thoroughly enjoy listening and reading what he has to say. The book takes a fresh look at the traditional understanding of heaven and hell while being thoroughly faithful to the scriptures in the process. Someone once described God as being, "Greater than anything we could ever imagine." With that being said, Bell paints a picture of a God who is just that... A God who is not eager to banish unbelievers to hell the moment they die. Instead, he describes God as one who has done everything and CONTINUES to do everything to draw people unto himself, both living and deceased. We serve a God who will not be satisfied until every living creature, past and present, exclaims the worship and praise of our Lord. Bell describes God as similar to the father in the parable of the Lost Son. A God who is eager to welcome his children into his fold. Love wins isn't so much of a book as it is a beautiful mural of the heart of God.
How does his book support the prophetic picture of Noah and the flood? As the ark being the Messiah, the choice and the option that the Lord gave us? Yet, when the people made the choice to deny him, they perished. The Most High did not force anyone to choose the ark. Or any of the other prophetic stories that are in the Tenakh that point to the Messiah? Does Rob Bell believe that Yeshua will "force" those that have rejected Him to accept Him?
Ryan- Bell never states that God will ever force anyone to believe in him. Once God does that, he would cease to act in a loving manner b/c love never forces love in return. Bell makes several OT references throughout the book. The one that sticks out to me is the Israelites in the desert and God commanding Moses to strike the rock to bring forth water. Christ is compared to our 'rock' in the NT. Bell believes, as do I, that Christ was present with the Israelites in the desert.
Hmmm, interesting.
ReplyDeleteHow does his book support the prophetic picture of Noah and the flood? As the ark being the Messiah, the choice and the option that the Lord gave us? Yet, when the people made the choice to deny him, they perished. The Most High did not force anyone to choose the ark. Or any of the other prophetic stories that are in the Tenakh that point to the Messiah? Does Rob Bell believe that Yeshua will "force" those that have rejected Him to accept Him?
I have not read the book, I am merely curious.
Ryan- Bell never states that God will ever force anyone to believe in him. Once God does that, he would cease to act in a loving manner b/c love never forces love in return. Bell makes several OT references throughout the book. The one that sticks out to me is the Israelites in the desert and God commanding Moses to strike the rock to bring forth water. Christ is compared to our 'rock' in the NT. Bell believes, as do I, that Christ was present with the Israelites in the desert.
ReplyDeleteHmmm. I would agree with you / him. Thanks.