Having read some great books lately along with some great conversation, I have found myself rethinking some of the most basic questions that we as Christ followers must always be asking ourselves; one of those questions being, 'what does it look like to be a follower of Christ in my day, my neighborhood, my church, etc.' What messes with me is when I look around, I see several different people who I believe love the Lord doing a number of different things...
(As I describe these different people, I am well aware that several of these groups and people may overlap with others listed... just allow me to ramble for a bit :-)
A good friend of mine who I greatly respect has decided that to truly heed the call and teachings of Christ means that he may no longer pay taxes to what he believes is, "a government that endorses poverty, war, and genocide." For my friend, part of following in the footsteps of Christ is to denounce loyalty to his government. He has grown frustrated with an American Church that will get more upset over someone dropping the F bomb in a sanctuary while perfectly fine allowing racism in its doors and turning a blind eye to the systemic sin in their city and country.
Just the other day I heard a husband and wife (again, people I look up to) tell me that God has been challenging them to learn the scriptures. They attend several bible studies throughout the week and have placed learning God's Word at the forefront of their lives. To be a Christ follower is to know, understand, discuss, and be transformed by the Word of God.
Then there are others who believe that to follow Christ is to wake up each day and say, "Help me to be an instrument of your peace and love." These are people who desire God to strip them of their selfishness and sin day by day so that they may be a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led people.
Others believe that to follow Christ is to take seriously the call to social action and social justice. These people look at the suffering, sin, and injustice in their communities and world and decide that they are going to try and do something about it. This call is inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus throughout scripture. Jesus seemed to be full of compassion for the suffering, hurting, and poor, therefore, we should do likewise.
All of that to say this...
The last few weeks I have begun thinking that to be a follower of Christ must mean and look like more than just one's own personal piety of praying enough, reading enough, and 'trying really hard to be like Jesus.' Is the Christlike life really nothing more than a bunch of individuals trying to deny their sinful nature while striving to be and look more like Jesus? While I definitely affirm that one's own personal piety is a piece of the puzzle, I don't think it is the whole puzzle. I believe that there is a social and corporate aspect that we have been missing and neglecting as an evangelical church.
Chime in if you wish!