Well, in just over 2 weeks I will be turning 30 years old. While I realize the word 'young' is a relative term, I generally think of people who are in their teens and 20's when I associate people with being 'young.' As I approach this new decade of my life I can't help but take a look back at the previous one. While in my 20's I have: graduated from college, moved twice (to Michigan and then Kansas City), started and finished seminary with my M. Divinity, married my best friend Rachel, started pastoring my first church as a youth and associate pastor, gotten a great four legged dog Dunkin, met and made some amazing friends, and much more. During my 20's I have grown as a man, a husband, as a pastor, and as one striving to follow in the footsteps of Christ.
For some reason or another, God has decided to bless me in so many ways. I pray that if the Lord continues to blesses me with another 10 years that I may seek to serve God throughout all of it.
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