What you also need to know about my friend is that he and his wife are amazing people. They are the kind of people you wish you could 'copy and paste' and give to every single church in the world. You know the kind of people I am talking about. And while I could very easily go into great detail about all the ways my friend and his wife serve God and serve others through countless ways, I will remain vague to protect his identity.
As my friend continued to share his heart, I resonated with the different things he was feeling and thinking. He had dreams of where he could be and what he could be doing but felt discouraged because those dreams still seemed quite far away. As he shared his heart, I couldn't help but think to myself that I've been there. I've felt and experienced very similar things in my own life.
And while my friend is much wiser than I am, I felt the need to remind him of a truth that God has been reminding me of lately. It can be very easy to look down the road at the things we dream about and wish for and think, "If only I was there and doing this, THEN I would really be doing something significant with my life..." Dreaming, wishing, and hoping are all great things. However, sometimes we can get lost in our dreaming, wishing, and hoping and forget that God desires to use us here and now as well. Sometimes we can get so caught up in 'what could be' that we don't do a great job of being present here and now. While God may have specific things in store for us down the road, I believe that God does not sit back and wait for us to reach that destination in order to use us to do his work. God desires to use us in and through the journey, whether or not we ever get there or not.
Here is a prayer that I have been striving to live out and pray in my life:
'God, help me to be 100% available to you in any and all things. Help me to be present and faithful where I am right now... And if you should ever desire to have me do different work in a different place, help me to have a sensitive heart, open ears, and open eyes so that I may recognize and respond to your prompting.'
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