Thursday, December 15, 2011

observations from an 11th grader

I had the opportunity to sit down with one of my high school students just the other day (over some Pizza Hut!).  It was not hard to see that something was on his mind.  He had just gotten back from a seven day Caribbean cruise to Jamaica, Cozumel, and Cosa' Maya.  Without much prodding, he began to throw out some questions that had swimming around in his mind.  As we grow and progress as followers of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are called to look at the world around us- our communities, our patterns, the way we live, etc, and hold them up alongside the words, teachings, and life of Christ.  I was ministered to by my younger brother in Chris the other day.

On his trip to Jamaica

"Jay, when we got to Jamaica, I was immediately shocked at the standard of living compared to that of Americans... I learned that lots of people in Jamaica will share homes with one another.  It is very common for grandparents and their children to live under the same roof and for people in a neighborhood to share everything.  Many people who were on the cruise were saying how they felt bad for the people but I noticed something special about them: everyone seemed like they were family with everyone else.  It is not that way back in America.  We all have our own separate houses, our own separate lawn mowers, our own separate cars... It is like be build our homes to keep other people out of them... There seemed to be something that was special about the way they lived."

On his family

"I'm beginning to wonder if I really believe in love.  My mom and dad were married for 30 years and got divorced.  What if the emotions I have for my wife begin to fall away after 20+ years or so?... Or, what if her love for me begins to do this same thing?  How can a marriage survive if it is only based on the emotions we feel and don't feel?"

The unexamined life

"I get frustrated with other people my age.  They don't question or seem to care about anything.  Everyone my age seems to just go through life believing and excepting everything that they are taught.  Doesn't anyone care about the deeper issues and meaning of life?  Are we here just to make money?  To someday have a big house? Isn't there more?  If there is more, why does it seem like everyone is o.k. with not pursuing more?"


Isn't it funny how God  can teach us through people and in ways we least expect it?  Thank you brother for sharing your heart and your desire to strive after Christ in your life.

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